You question my drive as to what I'm coming up with next aren't you?
Well lets just say hypothetically, I'm "supposed to" be in bed already at 1 am. But lets just say hypothetically I'm making delicious pumpkin cookies. Because hypothetically for as tired as I am, I just don't want to go to bed.
Of course. This is all hypothetical. I'm really sleeping and typing in my sleep. See! This is me right here! Of course I took this picture of myself sleeping... and someone added an extra Macbook... and a TV that's not showing any channels... and a green pillow... and an iPod... and iPad... and I guess I changed my sheets to pink... and yea well you get the idea. Things are always a little distorted in dreams anyways.
But what I'm really dreaming about are pumpkin cookies shaped as clouds...
While I'm catching some ZZZZZZs
How lucky am i!
Lets forget the hypothetical.. I'm going to bed!
.::A Far Off Britt::.
i WANT these cookies. They look delicious!!!!