I began my "Thursday Things" quest back in the fall. I can't say it went very far, but I was making a conscience effort to really think about the topics I chose to write about for the "next" 52 weeks. It was an exercise I wanted to do for myself to create a balance and a rhythm in my life. To feel accomplished in a routinely way. Then life happened.
I've heard it, you've heard it, we've seen it on Pinterest, and a dear friend recently reminded me of it.
"Life is what happens when you're busy making plans."
Last time I honorably focused on writing here, my life was comparably different. Fall was winding down. I was wrapping up my quarter-life self discovering summer and fall, and was awaiting the official word to purchase my plane ticket and pack up and move to Japan. I'd be leaving today or tomorrow, if I'd gotten the word I thought I was going to receive after nailing my interview.
Thursday Things
I set Thursday Things as a 52-week goal point so I could progressively see a change in my life, my circumstances, and maybe even beliefs on substantial life issues. I wanted to look back after a year and see what strong and noticeable change had occurred in my life. I envisioned myself writing my final post from my tiny apartment in Japan. Being a different person - changed by culture, experience, and career.
I tried to put myself in a box so that I may appear or discipline myself to be more orderly. Carry a valuable presence online to encourage and inspire others, as I am also encouraged and inspired by the ones I follow. I was reaching. Really reaching. Desperate to be noticed, but not quite sure how or by whom. I believe I was desperately wanting to find and figure myself out, grasping for the approval of strangers and virtual friends. Why? What's changed?
Life Happened.
Change sure happened. My plans were made, my mind was slowly cutting away all the options and avenues I wanted to attempt, and I can't say many of them occurred the way I envisioned. In fact, my life is much different than I had "wanted". Realizing what I "wanted", wasn't what I really wanted at all. I'm so glad about that.
So what changed?
Well I'm not moving to Japan. I started dating the man of my dreams. I was blessed with great memories I'd never trade with friends I greatly cherish - ones I'd have missed out on had I left PA when I wanted last year.
Thursdays came and went. Week by week, new memories and adventures created themselves right before my eyes. Five months later I see the change in my life, my circumstance, and my beliefs on substantial life issues. I've accomplished exactly what I wanted without having to blog weekly about it or force a rhythm in my life.
Living is my life rhythm. It's how I roll, how I do, how I be.
.::a far off britt::.
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